Sunday, 16 August 2009
Help Remedies

Again like the vitamin boxes I found this packaging on www.dieline.com. The reason I chose this as an example is because I loved the concept behind it. If you're not feeling very well, you describe your symptoms and here is the remedies. I like how they're all a different colour, with the simple symbols to connote the product inside. You'll find what you're looking for straight away rather than faffing around, which is what usually happens with me. So these would be much appreciated.
Friday, 14 August 2009
Magma Art & Congress Centre

Vitamin boxes

This is awful, but I can't even remember who designed these. I found them on www.dieline.com which is a great site if you're into packaging design. It's full of new and innovative packaging which is being produced all over the world. The reason I was drawn to these vitamin boxes was because I found them so clever. Say you require a vitamin C tablet, where do you look? Non other than the C vitamin box. It's a way of keeping your vitamins organised if you tend to take a lot, I can imagine it being helpful. Plus I think they look pretty aesthetically pleasing also.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
K.space for K.swiss

I can't remember exactly how I found this website, but I remember liking the way you could navigate through it. You begin by being transported to this space full of celebrities and interesting people all in a line. Not only can you click through each one, but you can use the directional buttons on the keyboard also. For some reason I was particularly impressed by this, it's quite a simple application, but I enjoyed being able to zoom in and out using the up and down keys. When you have selected your person of choice, I chose Ed Westwick, who most will recognise as Chuck from Gossip Girl, you can watch a video in which they talk about themselves, their styles, future ambitions and obviously the k. swiss classics. There's also an image gallery if you fancy seeing the the shoes stationary for a while. I did like each of the films, but there's not that much more to it. However, in saying this, the website definitely had a nice flow to it and you could tell that it was well thought out.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Mark Verhaagen

I think you can see why I love this artist, his bush baby style designs are so cute and endearing. The other thing I like is, the realistic but surreal at the same time look his designs have. I like that you can create a style for yourself in creatures such as these. You will automatically notice his designs now from the big wide eyes and little mouth. I hope that I can develop a style like this for myself in the future.
Into The Wild

Tuesday, 11 August 2009
The Eco Zoo

In an article I read in my Arts Projects magazine, a designer mentioned this website. He sounded very enthusiastic about it, so I thought I should take a look for myself. It was surprising, I wasn't expecting anything like this. I'm pretty sure this is a website for children, but I seemed to stay on it for a while. Eco Zoo is a website made up of different characters all living in a cardboard tree. You can explore with an impressive 360 degrees perspective and learn about being more environmentally friendly, or having more of a positive attitude. It has an adult message behind it, but with quite a childish facade.
No matter who you are, you can't deny that this is an impressive website. The way you can maneuver your way around is so interesting, I don't think I've seen anything like it before. There's also the way you can interact with the characters, flipping through their pop up books and hearing their stories. It's also quite cute and looks really good, giving you a positive attitude on leaving the site.
Saturday, 8 August 2009
The Taking of an Original?

I won’t give away the ending, but what I will say is the acting in this film is truly captivating, with Washington and Travolta playing out of their comfort zones. Yes Denzel is once again the hero of the film, but not one you’d expect. He’s no Creasy or Agent Doug Carlin that’s for sure, but he does an excellent and compelling job as normal guy Walter Garber. The same goes for John Travolta. He plays this wicked and spiteful man so convincingly, something you wouldn’t expect from the same actor who played Edna in Hairspray.
Overall I would say that this film takes nothing away from the original. It might follow the same story, but Tony Scott does well to create an entirely different film.