I can't remember exactly how I found this website, but I remember liking the way you could navigate through it. You begin by being transported to this space full of celebrities and interesting people all in a line. Not only can you click through each one, but you can use the directional buttons on the keyboard also. For some reason I was particularly impressed by this, it's quite a simple application, but I enjoyed being able to zoom in and out using the up and down keys. When you have selected your person of choice, I chose Ed Westwick, who most will recognise as Chuck from Gossip Girl, you can watch a video in which they talk about themselves, their styles, future ambitions and obviously the k. swiss classics. There's also an image gallery if you fancy seeing the the shoes stationary for a while. I did like each of the films, but there's not that much more to it. However, in saying this, the website definitely had a nice flow to it and you could tell that it was well thought out.
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